Posted by Affinity Insurance Group on 
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Nothing gets you into the Christmas spirit more than putting on those old Christmas songs and putting up the tree with your family. While Christmas trees are beautiful, they can be dangerous. Every year Christmas trees cause about 230 home fires. By following these tips, you can help prevent a Christmas catastrophe.
- Choose a fresh tree over a cheap tree. A cheap tree may be discounted due to it being dry. The fresher the tree, the less likely it will pose as a fire hazard. To ensure you are picking a fresh tree, look for flexible needles and a trunk with sap.
- Always keep water in the tree stand. Trees should have a continuous supply of water and be on a stand that’s sturdy enough to resist being toppled by a toddler or a pet.
- Never attached more than 3 strings of lights to any one extension cord, and place cords along the wall to avoid tripping hazards. Use low energy, safe lighting that has been certified by a safety testing lab and don’t use frayed or damaged cords. Always turn the lights off before bed or when you leave your home!
- Trees do not need warmth! When choosing the proper place for your tree, keep it away from fireplaces, candles, and heaters.
- As soon as your tree dries out, properly dispose of it. The longer a dry tree stays in a home the more likely a fire could break out.
- Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby and ensure all family members know how to use it and where it is located.
- Accidents can happen with artificial trees as well. Ensure your artificial tree is flame resistant and has been safety tested by a safety laboratory if it has built in lights. If the tree is metal, never use electric lights. Lights could charge the tree causing electrocution.
Nobody wants their holidays to end in disaster! Have a beautiful tree and keep everyone safe over the holidays. Affinity Insurance Group hopes you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas!
Filed Under: Home Insurance, Homeowners Insurance