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Tag: Car Insurance

The Five Types of Insurance Every College Student Needs

The Five Types of Insurance Every College Student Needs

Parents face many challenges in preparing a child for college. The process generally starts in the junior year, including monitoring grades, applying for scholarships and grants, and visiting various college campuses. The focus on college can become an all-consuming task. Once a college is chosen, and your child is accepted, a new set of challenges arises.  One neglected area to add to the college "to-do"...

Before Your Last Summer Road Trip, Check Your Car Insurance

Before Your Last Summer Road Trip, Check Your Car Insurance

If you are planning a last summer road trip, your insurance matters more than ever. An auto accident is most likely to occur in the summer months, with August and September topping the list, as reported by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). The streets, roads, and highways are busy, with drivers operating large RVs who may be unfamiliar with the area or be...

Do I Need To Insure My Car During Winter Storage?

Do I Need To Insure My Car During Winter Storage?

It is not uncommon to put a vehicle in storage over the winter months. If you are not planning to use your car during the winter, it makes sense to keep it safe and protected from the harsh weather. It may be tempting to cancel your auto insurance coverage during this time, while your vehicle is not being driven on public roadways. After all, it...

What Happens If I Get In A Wreck With An Uninsured Driver?

What Happens If I Get In A Wreck With An Uninsured Driver?

Most states have mandatory minimum auto insurance laws, but some people still drive without the required coverage. The Insurance Information Institute (III) reports that in a recent study, 13%, or one in eight drivers in the U.S. is operating a vehicle without insurance. Many such drivers cannot afford the cost of car insurance, which makes it difficult to collect damages after an accident. Fortunately, there...

How To Know When Your New Car Needs A Tune-Up

How To Know When Your New Car Needs A Tune-Up

Modern cars do not generally require a tune-up in the traditional sense. Engine parts are designed to last longer, and new cars don’t have the same components that needed to be adjusted or replaced in the past. Nevertheless, modern vehicles require regular maintenance. The following are signs that your new car is ready for a trip to the mechanic. A Light on the Dashboard Comes...

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