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Tag: Life Insurance

Life Insurance for Single Parents

Life Insurance for Single Parents

Why Do Single Parents Need Life Insurance?Purchasing a life insurance policy is a smart idea for any family. But in single-parent households, the need is even more important.In a 2022 study from Life Happens,1 two in five parents said they are “barely” or “not at all” financially secure. And when it comes to losing the primary wage earner, the same study found 44% of families would...

Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

Before you get life insurance coverage, you should understand why you need it. While there are many reasons to buy life insurance, the most common reasons include:Final expenses: Final expenses refer to any expenses related to someone’s passing. This can include a casket, funeral, preparations, memorial service, cremation and more. Life insurance for final expenses is worth considering—after all, the National Funeral Directors Association reports that the median price...

Why it's Important to Get Life Insurance While You're Young

Why it's Important to Get Life Insurance While You're Young

When you’re young, you feel invincible – like nothing could ever hurt you. You’re less likely to consider life insurance, even though this is the prime time to get it. However, you never know what’s going to happen, and in my case, I’m happy I was prepared.Life-Changing NewsIt was a sunny Saturday in August when I received a diagnosis that would turn my world upside-down:...

Beat The Heat

Beat The Heat

The dog days of summer have arrived. Escaping the heat can seem impossible some days, especially if you don’t have an air conditioner! Try some of these easy hacks to beat the heat and stay cool! Chill your beverages in a hurry by running a paper towel under cold water, wrapping it around your drink, and then putting it in the freezer. Within 15 minutes...

Winter Home Maintenance Tips

Winter Home Maintenance Tips

Preparing your home for winter is an important annual ritual for homeowners. For instance, did you know that adding insulation in your attic before winter arrives can help prevent ice dams this winter? And do not forget that tuning up your heating system now can help prevent more costly emergency repairs at the height of a storm, when it can be difficult to find supplies...

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